Sticky Extract of Wild Lettuce
Available in 4oz, 8oz, and 16oz sizes
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100% All Natural
Easy to Mix
Our tincture of lactucarium is extra strong. It contains about 10 grams of lactucarium per 4 oz, in a 40% alcohol solution. We made this product easy to measure. Unlike our syrup, this tincture contains no other ingredients. Lactucarium is the purified extract of the wild lettuce!
Pharmaceutical Free
100% All Natural
American Company
Easy to Measure
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Fast Shipping USA and International
Available in 4oz, 8oz, and 16oz
We just updated to new larger bottles! Our Extra Strong Tincture is available in 4, 8, and 16 fluid ounces.
The best way to use lactucarium is in warm tea. When diluted the flavor is mild and pleasing. It can of course also be taken straight but it is quite bitter on its own. Our extra strong tincture is mixed so that a half of a teaspoon contains about one old fashioned serving of lactucarium. It is best not to mix lactucarium with boiling water in order to preserve the active components.
Ingredients: Contains +- 10 grams pure wild lettuce extract per 4oz of 40% alcohol and water. All natural.
Traditional directions of use: Our extra strong tincture contains about 10 grams of lactucarium per 4oz. According to the classical literature, a serving size of lactucarium, is 3-15 grains, or .194 - .972 grams. So basically the classical serving size is .2 – 1 gram. One teaspoonful of our extra strong tincture contains about 0.5 grams of Lactucarium.
In an essay published in 1846, by Emile Muchon, in a book of pharmacy entitled The Chemist, the total daily amount should not to exceed 15 grams.
Lactucarium has a long history of use, dating back to ancient Egypt, where it was valued for its soothing effects. The nervine properties of lactucarium are attributed to lactucopicrin and other sesquiterpene lactones found in its sap. Our extract is derived from the whole wild lettuce plant. We employ an innovative extraction process that operates at low temperatures to maximize beneficial qualities.
All lettuces contain a milky white juice that flows from the stem when cut. Common salad lettuce as well bas a bitter milky center. The bitter substances in lettuce are called sesquiterpene lactones. Garden lettuce does not contain a high enough concentration of these lactones to be useful for making lactucarium, which is why it is palatable for eating. The two most useful varieties of wild lettuce are Lactuca virosa and Lactuca serriola. In the picture above you can see L. virosa altissima in flower. Altissima is a larger variety of virosa, cultivated by the French pharmacist H. Aubergier in the 1900's.
Our project is coming along. We are working on cultivating several species of wild lettuce. You can follow along on our journey in the blog and resource area! Wild lettuces are notoriously tricky to cultivate in a controlled environment. Wild lettuce takes an entire year to grow and produce seeds. It can be found in the wild, but wild-harvesting reduces the next year's growth as it relies on the many seeds it produces in order to sprout the following season.