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Disclaimer - None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it medical advice. Please ask your doctor before taking any herbal supplement.
Welcome to the frequently asked questions page where you can find facts about wild lettuce serving sizes and how to use wild lettuce.
I have a chronic pain, will wild lettuce help?
Well, we can't give medical advice, but we can tell you what is in the literature. Lactucopicrin, and the analogous alkaloids found in wild lettuce, are analgesic. Analgesics are used to treat physical discomfort. Lactucarium was widely available in the pharmacies of the 18th and early 20th century.
Lactuca extracts were used classically for pain killing, couch suppressing, and soothing of the nerves. They contain sesquiterpenoid lactones, such as lactucopicrin or lactucin, which are all natural anti-inflammatories.
Can I be allergic to wild lettuce?
If you have an allergy to latex, natural latex, herbs, lettuce, or herbal concoctions, do not buy wild lettuce. Some people are allergic to sesquiterpene lactones.
Fact about wild lettuce serving size?
Lactucarium (pure extract of wild lettuce) was found to be effective in at around of 3 – 15 grains. To make it easy to understand, 15.4 grains is about 1 gram.
The long and short of it is that a half teaspoon of our Extra Strong Tincture of Lactucarium contains about .25 grams of lactucarium, the proper beginning serving size.
According to an essay by Emile Muchon, published in 1846 in a book of pharmacy entitled The Chemist, one should not exceed 15 grams of Lactucarium per day. To put this in perspective, 15 grams would be 30 teaspoons of my Extra Strong Tincture, and 40 teaspoons of my Syrup of Lactucarium.
We follow Aubergier's recipe pretty carefully, with the exception that I've replaced the morphine poppy extract California poppy. Manufacturers of Aubergier's original syrup recipe recommended a serving size of one teaspoonful.
One teaspoonful of our syrup contains: .375 grams of Lactucarium
One teaspoonful of our Extra Strong Tincture contains: 0.5 grams of Lactucarium
One gram of Sticky Extract contains: 1 gram of Lactucarium
How to use wild lettuce?
Emperor Augustus Wild Lettuce Tea: we call this tea, but it is more accurately an infusion. The amount of prickly lettuce herb and the amount of water depend on how strong you want your infusion. A good rule of thumb to start with is one teaspoon of herb per cup of water. Bring your water just to the point of boiling. You can use a tea ball, or simply pour the water over the herb and filter when ready. Cover the vessel and let it steep for ten minutes to an hour. Covering helps keep in essential oils that may evaporate.
Syrup of Lactucarium: Following the advice of Aubergier, a serving size of syrup is one teaspoon. It can be taken straight, or dissolved in warm water or tea.
Extra Strong Tincture of Lactucarium: Our extra strong tincture contains about 10 grams of lactucarium per 4oz. According to the classical literature, a serving size of lactucarium, is 3-15 grains, or .194 - .972 grams. So basically the classical serving size is .2 – 1 gram. One teaspoonful of our extra strong tincture contains about 0.5 grams of Lactucarium.
Sticky Extract: This is pure dehydrated extract of wild lettuce. It is quite bitter and is best mixed with warm tea. It can also be used in any preparations where lactucarium is called for. It is best when made into a tincture or mixed into a beverage. The old fashioned serving size is .25 grams to .5 grams, and no more than 15 grams per day.
Classic Wild Lettuce Tincture: This tincture is truly classic. It is made by soaking wild lettuce in 40% alcohol and letting it macerate for several weeks. It is then drained off and filtered. It can be used liberally or to taste. Simply start with a teaspoon or a tablespoon until you find your preferred amount.
DISCLAIMER - Let it be known that nothing here is to be misconstrued as medical advice. If you choose to ingest wild lettuce, you do it of your own volition. Wild lettuce is known to be one of the oldest plant medicines in existence. It has also been scientifically studied, and much is known about the mechanisms of this non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. The active components of Lactucopicrin and related compounds are both analgesic and soporific. However, long term effects of these compounds are yet to be evaluated by the FDA. All serving size information given here comes from the time when Lactucarium was in common use.